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Shipping from China to Amazon FBA Warehouse in the USA

Amazon Fulfillment Centers in the USA

Due to the increasing popularity of Amazon, most international sellers prefer to import goods from China and ship them to Amazon FBA in USA and Canada. Others prefer to ship from China to open their own warehouse or store business. No matter in which Amazon FBA in USA and Canada you wish to ship your cargo, we are there for you. We ship to all locations cover United States and Canada.

With our professional shipping team you will easily be able to ship from China to Amazon FBA spread across USA and Canada in one simple service. We handle all the aspects of the shipping process: from collecting cargo and clearing customs to scheduling with the Amazon for safe and timely transportation. Whether you wish to ship small parcels, huge shipments, or ship them urgently, we are there to fulfill each and every individual need. The customer can further choose between the freight options all based on their individual need and budget. Ensure the smooth running of your Amazon store with our professional services.

Amazon FBA US Warehouse Address Details >>

Express delivery cost of UPS from China to Amazon FBA Warehouse in the USA >>

LCL Sea Freight To Amazon FBA Warehouse in the USA >>

Container shipping cost from China to Amazon FBA Warehouse in the USA >>

China to US fba process flow

Contact Us Now

To get a quote, please simply COMPLETE OUR QUOTE FORM. Alternatively, email to james@shipping86.com, or directly call James on: +86-755-82427324, or Whatsapp: +86-13590342071 . We'll be pleased to discuss with you furtherly.